DiVent program – allows the selection of sizes of valves and nominal flow coefficients Kvs for standard series valves manufactured by our company:
ul. Obozowa 23 Str
37-700 Przemyśl
TEL: +48 16 678 66 01
E-MAIL: sekretariat@polna.com.pl
KRS: NATIONAL COURT REGISTER: 0000090173 dated 12.02.2002 r. Provincial Court in Rzeszów,
XII Division of National Court Register
COMPANY ID: 650009986 NIP: 795-020-07-05 BDO: 000030128
SHARE CAPITAL: 3.710.992,60 PLN
PAID CAPITAL: 3.710.992,60 PLN
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 88 1030 1250 0000 0000 8901 4018 EUR SWIFT: CITIPLPX