Applied in automatic and remote control installations as flow control elements to adjust flow of liquids and gases. Wide range of material and design versions make the valves widely sought-after in chemical industry, heat and power generation industry, paper industry,...
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Valves type Z10 (previous name: 10000 DG) with a pressure-balanced plug are used as final executive elements in automatic and remote control systems. They are used to regulate the flow rate of liquids and gases in the chemical industry, metallurgy,...
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Needle valves are designed for assembly, start-up and maintenance of transducers, pressure gauges and other fixtures in measuring and automation regulatory installations. Depending on the design, needle valves perform the following functions: direct or remote instrument assembly, closing (opening) the...
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The reduction and cooling stations are applied in the commercial power industry for maintaining the pressure and temperature of steam within the limits determined by the technological process by injecting the cooling liquid. We would like to invite you to...
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Applied in automatic and remote control installations as flow control elements to adjust flow of liquids, steam and gases. A wide range of material executions, high parameters in the range of pressures and operating temperatures, numerous design variants adapted to...
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